If ever the person resigns from the job abruptly, will you send us a replacement?

For permanent placement, we have a guarantee of three months if the person resigns from whatever reason that he or she may have. We would send a replacement free of charge! If he or she were on a contractual basis, we would also send a replacement free of charge! This usually does not happen and only in rare occasions as applicants we send to you go through a very thorough process. There is a 99% chance that they will not resign in less than three months.

How many applicants can you endorse for one position?

All the applicants we send to your office for interview are qualified for the position. It is on your part to determine if the applicant will fit in the culture system of your company, physical appearance etc. In so doing, this would determine how many applicants we would be sending.

We also believe that quality of applicants cannot be determined by how many we send to you but rather the person that best fit the job.

Does Temps and Staffers remit the mandated government dues?

Our track record for more than 30 years proves that we are a legitimate agency. Our record separates us from the many fly-by-night companies prevalent in the Philippines.

We remit all government dues to the government namely: Taxes to the Bureau of Internal Revenue, PhilHealth, Pag Ibig and to the Social Security System which we are hooked up online.

What are the rates? What is the rate you can give us?

We should focus on the service first before we can discuss the rates. Each project is unique and we believe that no two projects are alike. If we have assessed your needs and our team determines that we can deliver it to your company then that’s the time we discuss the rates with you.

This would protect you from different agencies that tend to overprice but can’t deliver on the project. We firmly believe that we can best fit the project to your needs.

Are you expensive?

We charge a premium for our services, because of the better service we can deliver to our clients. Not having to do interview at your office, not paying for ad costs, not hiring additional staff to do interviews, not purchasing test equipment, not processing applicants on your part would lead to a lot of savings!

Best of all, hiring the right individual will bring in more sales and higher efficiencies for your business! Try us now! And be one of our satisfied clients!

Why do we need to acquire the services of Temps and Staffers? We have our own Human Resource division?

Temps and Staffers has been in the business for more than 30 years. It is our “core competence” in searching for the best-fit individual. Our database is definitely more updated and comprehensive than your company’s database. This allows us to search for the best individual of your company. (For more details, please see “Why us?”.)

We also all have countless of licensed testing materials that we have invested into to deliver the most comprehensive details of potential clients. (For more details on our testing procedure, please see “our exams and test materials”.)

And, the most important reason is that our account managers and staff have been doing it for a long time giving us the best qualifications to find the right people to grow your company.