Consulting and Staffing for Special Projects

TSI is more that just a manpower placement firm. We are also a consulting group that assists various companies in strengthening their own human resource assets. In particular, we canhelp develop innovative solutions for start-up companies and large scale projects that require temporary staffing, as well as provide the personnel needed to perform computerization or manualization, documentation and systems re-design.

  • Quick Reference
  • Permanent Placement
  • Managerial
  • Supervisory
  • Rank and FileTemporary Placement
  • Professionals
  • Technical
  • Skilled and semi-skilled Psychological Testing & Evaluation
  • Personality & IQ tests
  • Consultant interview
  • Client interview Consulting and Staffing for Special Projects & Events

Enjoy personalized service from the company that best knows the Filipino professional

As an all-Filipino company, we know the Filipino above all. Therefore, we are able to bring you only Filipino professionals who bear the distinctive marks of competence. Moreover, we are inspired by a unique brand of personalized service that enables us to nurture transparent working relationships, rather than merely conduct business transactions. Through this, we are able to identify your real needs and tailor-fit real solutions based on your requirements and expectations.

Be assured of only qualified personnel

At TSI, we do not merely point the way to success. We walk alongside your company, giving you the people you need to accomplish your business goals. TSI maintains strict quality control on personnel, staffing your organization with the right people from the very start. Thus, you are assured not only of competent professionals, but also of individuals equipped with an attitude founded on your own business culture and work ethics.

Avail of total solutions in less time and effort

The services and solutions we present are not just complete, but also cost effective and value-driven. As a one-stop personnel source, TSI offers a wide range of competitively priced service bundles, from human resource search all the way to post-placement. By passing on the task of personnel search and placement to us, you now increase the amount of time and energy in your hands to focus on other immediate concerns your company may have.